JOIN US to honor our nature photographer, Dan Robertson, and his captivating photography of the ancient Green Sea Turtles that he and his wife encountered on the beaches of Maui, Hawaii.
Dan took some wonderful photographs of BALES. At egg laying time, female turtles group together for protection on a beach in what’s called a BALE. The female always returns to her natal beach to lay her eggs! She digs her nest in the sand and lays 75 to 200 eggs and covers the hole with sand. At this point, her role is complete, and she returns to the Sea and leaves her eggs to fend for themselves.
So it’s PARTY time to honor Dan and this magnificent turtle species! And what’s a BIG TURTLE PARTY without:
- Dan’s Turtle photographs and Turtle painting by 12 gallery artists inspired by Dan Robertson’s photographs!
- Turtle Inspired Refreshments!
- A Turtle Craft Table for Children!
- A Large Stuffed Turtle Raffle & Fundraiser for the Floyd County High School Art Department!
- And, Educational Turtle Facts posted throughout the Gallery!
See you there! A NEW LEAF GALLERY, located in “The Station” across from the “Country Store” in Floyd, VA.
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